Dority |
| George
Hearst | Jack Langrishe | Jack
A.W. Merrick | Trixie, et al
Artist's sketch of Wild Bill Hickok
Michael Doherty was born in Maine about 1852, son of Michael Doherty of New Brunswick
Canada, and Mary of Ireland. In 1860 he is found in Milford, Penobscot County
Maine with his parents and siblings, Margaret, George and James. He is found in
Deadwood in the 1880 U.S. Census with wife Maggie.
United States Federal Census > Maine > Penobscot > Milford
Michael Doherty 32 M Laborer Province of N.B.
Mary Doherty 30 F Ireland
Margaret Doherty Province N.B.
George Doherty 12 M Maine
James Doherty 10 M Maine
Dan Michael Doherty 6 M Maine
1880 United States Federal Census > Dakota Territory > Lawrence
> Deadwood Township (District 120)
Dan W. M W 28 Liquor Dealer Maine, Ireland, NH
Doherty, Maggie W F 28 wife Keeping House, Ill. Eng Eng
Green, Wm. S. W M 35 Miner, Penn. Eng. Eng.
more about "Dan Dority" on HBO's: "Deadwood"
- Another
Biography of W. Earl Brown, actor - from TvTomes
- Biography
of George Hearst - from Hearst Castle web site
- Photograph of George
Hearst, circa 1885 [archived]

The real Jack Langrishe
the HBO
character (below)
HBO: Deadwood, Brian
Cox plays the series "actor Jack Langrishe." "I
am barely speakin' to you!" he teases Swearengen, who himself
mutters an exasperated "Oh god" when he spots his old
friend's stagecoach. Langrishe has brought his troup to Deadwood,
with the intent to open up a theater. Brian Cox was born in Scotland.
S. "Jack" Langrishe was an alias adopted by a man
from New York, reportedly of Irish origin, who was the leader
of a performing troupe of actors, that visited Deadwood. He was
born about 1826 (he was 36 when he arrived in Deadwood in 1862),
and he died in Wardner, Idaho on December 12, 1895. I found his
wife, Jeannette (Jannette) in the 1900 U.S. Census (see below).
Langrishe rented the Bella Union for a brief time before building
his own theater.
1900 United States Federal Census > Idaho > Shoshone >
Wardner > District 105
Langrishe, Jeannette, Head W F May 1834 66 widow Vermont MA CT
Variety --
Maittand George H. Boarder W M Oct 1850 49 widow NY VA NY saloon
also found the mortuary records of a John S. Languishe, who was
buried in the Greenwood Cemetery, near Kellogg, Shoshone Co, Idaho.
The records simply show: "Langrishe, John S. b. Sep 24, 1860."
One has to wonder if this was "Jack's" name inspiration.
I also found the following information in the census, and I thought
it might be Jack and Jeanette before they changed their names.
U.S. Census > 1860 United States Federal Census > Iowa >
Scott > Davenport
D.N. Richardson 28 M Publisher 2000 Vermont [b abt 1832 VT]
Jeanette Richardson 25 F 1600 Vermont [b abt 1835]
Jeanette Richardson 10/12 F Iowa
J.J.Richardsonn 21 M Vermont
There are several web sites already out there with information
about Jack.
- Jack Langrishe, Entertaining
The Old West
- Digital
Deadwood: Jack Langrishe
is the result of additional personal research into "Jack
Langrishe's" life.
Newspapers > Helena Independent, The (Helena, Montana) >
1875 > November > 2
LANGRISHE--The name which heads this article will recall
to the readers of the Independent a gentleman who was as great
a favorite here as he never failed to become wherever he went,
and the following extract from the Dubuque Herald of October 21st
will be read with interest: The Langrishe Theatrical Troupe will
open at the Anthenaeum October 21, 22, and 23. They have been
playing to full houses at Watertown, Madison, Ripon and other
cities in Wisconsin. This is one of the oldest companies travling.
Twenty-five years ago this company played through the principle
towns of Wisconsin, usually spending the winter at Madison, during
the session of the Legislature, and are well and favorably known
throughout that section. J.S. Langrishe the well known comedian,
was the first to bring out John Dillon, who made his first bow
before the public with the Langrishe adn Atwater Co.
Historical Newspapers > Daily Gazette, The (Colorado Springs,
Colorado) > 1879 > December > 6
Charles A. Cook, the actor, and a member of the Langrishe company,
was knocked down and robbed of $18 in Leadville on Sunday night,
and a diamond pin worth $110. The robbers should be fined for
contempt of court by Judge Lynch.
Historical Newspapers > Daily Gazette, The (Colorado Springs,
Colorado) > 1879 > December > 14
Miss McAllister and Mr. Knowles, of the Langrishe troupe,
have invested a little of their loose change in the Little Gertrude
mine, a very promising property on the Evans. Mr. A.G. Hood and
Mr. O.M. Webster are also part owners of the mine. It is hoped
that this investment will yield rich returns at no distant day.
Daily Gazette, The (Colorado Springs, Colorado) > 1881 >
April > 21
[At the Opera House]
Mr. William Langrishe was wonderfully funny as Sergeant
Buster. He showed himself to be a comedian of the greatest ability.
His command of facial expression is truly remarkable and his comical
glances are irresistable. His reception last night was warm and
cordial and his playing was greeting with frequent and hearty
laughter. It would be difficult to speak too highly of Mr>
Langrishe as the sergeant and those who like to laugh ought to
see him in this character...
Newspapers > Helena Independent, The (Helena, Montana) >
1882 > February > 7
Jack Langrishe, well-known to all old Montanians, is playing
at Colorado Springs, Colorado
1882 Directory of Denver Colorado (Corbett & Ballenger's)
Langrishe, John S., actor, r 369 Champa
Historical Newspapers > Helena Independent, The (Helena,
Montana) > 1883 > October > 13
--Manager Maguire has effected arrangement with Jack Langrishe
to bring his company to Montana wihin a few weeks, and play at
the various towns on the Maguire circuit. Langrishe had a theatre
in Helena (at the upper end of Main Street) in '65, and was the
greatest favorite ever on the Montana boards. Maguire will have
to rent a forty acre field for Jack to play in, if he wants to
avoid the necessity of turning pepole away from the door.
Historical Newspapers > Helena Independent, The (Helena,
Montana) > 1883 > November > 11
Good-Bye to Lancrishe--Langrishe and company got a good send-off
last night, Ming's Opera House being jammed. It was a hearty testimonial
to Montana's early day actor of his popularity with Helena old-timers.
"Man of the World" is much the same as Langrishe's other
pieces--it gets the principal character into a comically perplexing
predicament and then gets him out again. In the interlude, Geroge
C. Staley sang "Lullaby" and "Sweet Violets,"
and Walter Phoenix gave some of his speciality comicalities. Manager
John Macguire recited the "Bridge of Sighs" in a most
effective manner. The entertainment closed with the "Skeptics."
This was the company's last appearance in this city. They leave
this morning for Butte where they will play for a week, after
which they will follow the Northern Pacific out to the coast.
Good bye and good luck to them.
Family & Local Histories > The Idaho almanac
Legislative Departments, Idaho, December 8, 1890
Shoshone County -- John A. Finch and J.S. Langrish
History of Clear Creek and Boulder valleys, Colorado :
containing a brief history of the state of Colorado from its earliest
settlement to the present time, embracing its geological, physical
and climatic features, its agricultural, stockgrowing, railroad
and mining interests, an account of the Ute trouble, a history
of Gilpin, Clear Creek, Boulder, and Jefferson Counties, and biographical
sketches; Chicago: O.L. Baskin & Co., 1880
page 253--History of Gilpin County
Places of Amusement--Next in succession came John S. Langrishe
and Michael Dougherty with their company, and opened what was
then named the "People's Theater," situated on the westerly
side of Main Street in Central City. This was in 1860, and it
is believed to have been the first well-ordered and respectable
place of theatrical entertainment in the county. During all these
early years, the miners were flush with money. They made it fast,
if not easy, and spent it freely. Langrishe's troupe was alway
sof the better caste, for, aside from his own and Mr. Dougherty's
natural choice of such associates on the boards, their estimable
wives could never descend to be associated there in any way with
actors of low reputation. But, when a successful season would
be on the wane, Mr. Langrishe, like other managers of his profession,
would pack up and move on to "fresher fields and pastures
new." His orchestra concsisted principally of Allen W. Read,
leader, De Witt Waugh, Edward Gilman and David Smith.
History of Denver : with outlines of the earlier history
of the Rocky Mountain country; Evansville, Ind.: Unigraphic, 1971
page 907
The old "People's Theater," a frame building that stood
on the north side of Larimer street near the corner of Fourteenth
street, and which appears in one of our street-view illustrations,
was a locally famous place in the early "Sixties." As
we have stated, it was the old Apollo Hall building which Jack
Lagrishe, who came here from Fort Laramie in August 1860, leased,
refitted, renamed, and opened on Oct 3rd of that year.... A theater
was built in 1860 on the northeast corner of Sixteenth and Lawrence
streets, and which Jack Langrishe bought and improved in 1861,
renaming it the "Denver Theater.... He died at Wardner, Idaho,
a few years ago, where he had been engaged in publishing a local
newspaper after he left Denver. He was an Irishman and had been
employed on the New York Tribune before he came west. His true
name was unknown; "Langrishe" having been an assumed
The great conflagration : Chicago, its past, present and future
: embracing a detailed narrative of the great conflagration
in the north, south and west divisions, origin, progress and results
of the fire : prominent buildings burned, character of buildings,
losses and insurance, graphic description of the flames, scenes
and incidents, loss of life, the flight of the people : also,
a condensed history of Chicago, its population, growth and great
public works : and a statement of all the great fires of the world;
Chicago, Ill.: Union Pub. Co., 1871,
page 154-155
Wood's Museum, which combined the attraction sof a theatrical
stage and curiousity department, was one of the old established
institutions of the city. It was refitted by Col. Wood, and enlarged
the curiousity department, and had just opened under the management
of Mr. J.S. Langrishe, when it was burned. [?1871]
"Broken Nose Jack" McCALL
Jack McCall was hanged at Yankton March 1, 1877 for shooting Wild
Bill Hickok in Deadwood.
Jack McCall - from adamsmuseumandhouse.org
- Burial
Site and Photograph of Jack McCall - from Find-A-Grave
- The
Trial of Jack McCall - Black Hill Visitors Magazine [archive]
- Another
Biography of Garret Dillahunt, actor - from Tv.com
Garret Dillahunt also plays Francis Wolcott, the land agent that George Hearst
sends to Deadwood, and who eventually hangs himself.
[please do not republish these findings without giving me
credit for them].
W. Merrick was born about 1839 in New York.
Cuming City Star, [Nebraska] vol 1, no 14, appears June 19,
1858 with Albert W. Merrick publisher and H. Nell Maguire, editor.
A.W. Merrick was also publisher and proprietor of the Nebraska
Inquirer, of Desoto, Washington Co., Nebraska from July 16,
1861 - Sept. 24, 1861.
He was also a Denver news publisher, who along with W.A. Laughlin
set up the "Black Hills Pioneer" newspaper in Deadwood
in June 1876, described as " a sprightly, well-edited local
sheet, devoted to the mining and other interests of the town and
surrounding country." The first paper was published on
June 8, 1876.
About 1872 he married Rachel Margaret "Ray" "May"
Davis in Montana. In 1880 A. W. Merrick was living in Deadwood
with his family (shown below). In 1890 he is shown in the Deadwood
Veteran's Census as Albert W. Merrick.
Albert W. Merrick served in Company
K, 2nd Nebraska Cavalry, Union Army, as a Sergeant, from 15
Nov 1862 to 1 Dec 1863; he filed for pension 24 April 1899 in South
Dakota. This
company was involved in Indian Wars. His Widow, Rachel M. Merrick,
for his pension 5 June 1902 . In 1910 his wife is shown living
in Lawrence, South Dakota, a widow (see below). A.W. Merrick was
buried in Mount Moriah Cemetery, in Deadwood, South Dakota.
1880 United States Federal Census > Dakota Territory > Lawrence
> Deadwood Township (District 120)
Merrick, A.W. W M 41 Editor born NY NY NY
Merrick, Ray. M. W F 31 wife, Keeping House, Ohio Wales Wales [b
abt 1849]
Merrick, Walter M, W M 8 son Utah
Merrick, Blanche M., W F 4 daughter born Colorado
1910 United States Federal Census > South Dakota > Lawrence
> Deadwood Ward 3
Merrick, Rachel M. Head F W 57 widow 6 ch 3 living England-Eng England
England immigrated 1864
Merrick, Zeta E. dau F W 21 single South Dakota NY England
St. Charles Alouche P. granddaughter F W 2 single Montana Virginia
Merrick, Albert W. son W M 25 single South Dakota, NY England operator
Children of Albert W. & Rachel (Davis) Merrick:
1. Walter M., b abt 1872 Utah; reportedly died 8 Oct 1880 [per article
in Legends of America].
2. Marie Blanche Merrick, b abt 1876, m. 17 July 1897 at Butte,
Silver Bow, Montana, to Bradford E. St. Charles, son of William
& Caroline (Ingum) St. Charles. Bradford E. St. Charles b. 28
Nov 1866, d. 1 Sep 1907 at Silver Bow, Montana, buried Mr. Moriah
3. Louise May Merrick, b. 25 Aug 1881 at Deadwood, Lawrence Co.,
SD; m. 28 Jan 1898 in Butte, Silver Bow, Montana to Arthur Menard,
son of Moses & Belzimere (Chatelle) Menard. He was b. Bedford,
PQ; she m2) 16 Dec 1903 at Boulder, Jefferson Co., Montana to Richard
J. Jennings, son of William T. & Alice T. (Mollard) Jennings.
He was b. abt 1881 in Rocky Bar, Idaho. They divorced by 1920. In
1910 living in Butte, Silver Bow, Montana, HER child Theron/Therin
Jennings, [b abt 1900 Montana] shown as "step son."
4. Albert Wilbur Merrick, b 1 Aug 1882 in South Dakota, later a
Printer of a newspaper in Idaho. He married 23 March 1918 in Boise,
Ada Co. Idaho to Gunda/Gonda De Wilde, she was b abt 1895 in Holland
in 1920 living in Hailey, Blaine, Idaho. In 1926 living in Idaho
Falls, Idaho. Albert died in 1928 and is buried at Riverview
Cemetery, St. Anthony, Fremont Co., Idaho.
5. Zeta Marguerite Merrick was b. 9 Sep 1888 in Lawrence Co., South
Merrick, Journalist - from Black Hills Visitor
more about "A.W. Merrick" on HBO's: "Deadwood"
Biography of Jeffrey Jones, actor - from Tv.com
to pioneer John S. McClintock, a Gem Theater prostitute named Tricksie
shot a man through the front of his skull for beating her up. The
attending doctor put a probe through the man’s head, amazed
that he survived the gunshot." [More
about Prostitution in Deadwood at Adams Museum web site]
this Trixie? U.S. Census > 1880 United States Federal
Census > Dakota Territory > Lawrence > All Townships > District 120 Vernon,
Trixie W F 19 Actress b. Lousiana Adams Nellie W F 26 Actress Peasley Lizzie
W F 18 Actress
U.S. Census > 1870 United States Federal Census >
Louisiana > Avoyelles > Subdivision 5 Vernon, Mathew 72 M W Farmer
5000/1200 South Carolina Vernon, Ann 52 F Keeping House Tenn Vernon, Mathew
33 M W Physician LA **Vernon, Lititia 9 F W at home LA Vernon, Mathew 5
M W at home LA Cargill, Sarah 49 F W at home LA Vernon, John C. 45 M W at
home LA
more about "Trixie" on HBO's: "Deadwood" website
Another biography of Paula Malcomson, the actress -
from Tv.com
information about real and fictional characters - from
Legends of America
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